Walking on Sunshine

Archive for June 29, 2010

Going Down!

Finally! The numbers on the scale are going in the right direction.

It’s been a difficult few weeks and those numbers have gone up, stayed the same, wobbled a bit and now – phew! – I’m 4lbs lighter than the last time I updated you.  In the meantime, I’ve done a bit of bingeing, a bit of WeightWatchers, a bit of SlimmingWorld and am now finally, joyously back with my own blueprint of What Works for Me.  Believe me, just giving up sugar and walking as much as possible is a whole lot easier than the alternatives.

I’m feeling positive about my weight-loss journey again and confident of my ability to nourish my body.  That confidence has been lacking of late.

So, my plan for the coming week is to continue with the eating blueprint and to leave my car at my mother’s house.  It’s back on the road (although it now needs more work it is safe to drive) which is good.  Kind of.  Having a car parked outside my house is like having chocolate inside it – too big a temptation to this dieter.  So the car’s about 15 minutes walk away but available if I need it which is the best compromise I could work out.

See you next week!